we think globally we act locally and we care

Invest capital, time and experience in our human resources. I learn - I train - I design. The health and safety of our employees and visitors is of paramount importance to us and we have established meticulous practices and systematic inspections to ensure.

Reorganization of the company's operation in a socially responsible way by facing social challenges. I participate - I provide - I reinforce - I offer - I support.

Environmental Protection we enable our employees to volunteer. I recycle - I turn off the lights - I think before I print. We respect, preserve and promote valuable natural resources, while providing future generations with the right to a pristine natural environment and cultural heritage, as well as conditions for their own well-being.

Respect for human rights
The company encourages the creation of a culture of mutual trust and constructive cooperation in its partnerships, in accordance with the business code of ethics and the legal provisions of the country.

Offering to groups of socially excluded people
We provide sponsorships to social care institutions, in terms of food, clothing and furniture, according to their needs.

Contribution to the development of culture
Our progress is accompanied by the development of the societies that sustain us. We support and work with local businesses, local communities and their residents in order to protect local culture, customs and traditions, improve spiritual, social and cultural development and ensure their overall well-being.